revised 16.Nov.2010 CB radioFacts and figures, dates and details.
USA Origins
The technical standards weren't great though, with much interference around. The FCC decided to tighten up the specs, and at the same time introduced more channels...
To hasten the take-up of the better new 40 channels rigs and make older equipment obsolete, the FCC ordered that the older 23 channel rigs were to be off dealers' shelves by the start of 1978. The glut of unwanted rigs lowered prices so much that they ended up making their way around the world to the UK and other countries where CB was in demand by a public eager to join the communications revolution and stay in touch on the move at last. By 1978 there were, apparently, some 40,000,000 users in the US.
Technical note
Many operators just use ham radio equipment simply modified to allow all modes on any frequency, and usually at least 100 Watts too. CB Bands worldwide :'_band_radio The UK - Early DaysIt wasn't long after the start of 27MHz in the US, that equipment found its way into the UK. History has recorded some early use in the mid 1960s :
CB started to catch the public's attention in the mid 1970s, helped in no small part by the C.W. McColl "Convoy" record in 1976. This was also parodied as "Convoy GB" featuring BBC Radio 1 DJs Dave Lee Travis and Paul Burnett as Laurie Lingo & The Dipsticks, which made #4 on the UK singles chart. In this version, the two truckers are "Super-Scouse" and "Plastic Chicken". CB was also in pop culture via movies like Smokey and the Bandit (1977), Convoy (1978), and television shows like Movin' On (debuted 1974) and The Dukes of Hazzard (debuted 1979) bolstered the appeal of CB radio. The Dukes were on UK TV at tea time on a Saturday, with a massive audience. At this time there were only 3 UK TV channels, with many viewers watching the main channels BBC1 and ITV on the low definition black & white VHF system with only 405 lines compared to BBC2 on UHF with 625 lines and colour (BBC1 and ITV were also on UHF as well as VHF). There was no satellite TV as we know it, only very primitive old computer games, music came over the air from MW AM radio and what FM there was seldom provided pop music in stereo. Music could only be bought on those primitive old black plastic discs - even cassette tapes weren't yet that popular. It wasn't until 1983 that CD was introduced. As if it's not bad enough imagining life without the internet, consider the states of public communications at the time - Telephones were hardwired into the wall at home (no sockets like today!), and usually there was only one per household - extensions were a bit of a status symbol! Mobile phones were just a distant dream (it seemed back then), even cordless phones had yet to arrive legally. So the UK public were simply not used to communications on the move - no wonder those Dukes of Hazzard seemed so glamourous, keeping in touch wherever they went. The only people using two-way radio were the emergency services, other government/military types or business users. I remember when the record "Pop Muzik" by "M" was first performed on TV's "Top of the Pops" (in spring 1979) the singer pretended to use a walkie talkie complete with telescopic whip aerial - it was that cool! I have seen "the halcyon days" of UK 27 AM described as being from mid '76 to mid '77. In February 77, the radio magazine "Wavelength" started campaigning for CB, which raised its profile. In 1977/78 CB picked up noticeably, still underground but with many busts leading to the covert slang subculture. The fact that CB was illegal added to the fun for many, and made the use of handles catch on, as using your "personal" was obviously a bad idea. It was a risky business being a breaker back in the illegal AM days, with the Police, the GPO (Post Office and Telephones back then) and Customs Officers all able to confiscate rigs for a variety of legal reasons. One AM breaker, Annette Box "Yellow Peril", a hairdresser from Tunbridge Wells, found out the hard way, being fined more than once for daring to communicate on CB radio. Due to not fully paying the whole amount of the fines, she ended up being arrested and sentenced to 9 weeks imprisonment - but local breakers clubbed together to pay for her release. March 1979's "Custom Car" magazine spread the news to 140,000 purchasers (2m readers). By the turn of the decade into the 1980s there were an estimated 100,000 breakers - activity picking up markedly from late 79 to early 80. CB magazines appeared in newsagents and CB lingo books were common in the high street. Pretty much everyone came to know what 10-4 meant! Over the channel in France, CB was legalised in the spring of 1980. Enthusiasts had 1 AM channel at first, limited to handhelds with 100mw! Pro users could get an expensive licence for 6 AM channels at 3W. There was widespread use of US equipment and multimodes anyway, so it didn't take long for, on 20.Dec.80, 22 channels to be legalised - 2W FM. (Later, Jan.83, they legalised 4W 40ch FCC mulitmodes, and Citizens Band magazine (Oct 84) reported the AM calling channel as 27, and 11 for FM) The government couldn't really ignore the vast amount of breakers already on the air, organised into clubs and associations such as the United Breakers Assocation, UKCBC and NatColCiBaR. The UBA organised a well attended walk through the West End from Speakers Corner to Jubilee Gardens - the first of its kind for CB. The UBA was also the first independent CB club to be televised on British TV and are believed to be the only one televised in the USA in a piece about the state of CB in the UK at the time. It was estimated that there were some 200,000 breakers using US AM rigs back then in the 1970s. For those who simply wanted to listen in, there were CB-to-MW convertors available for motorists, plugging into the car radio aerial lead. A crystal at 26.165 was used to translate the CB frequencies downwards so that channel 1 (26.965) appeared on the AM radio at 800kHz on the MW band, etc. - running through to channel 40 at 1240kHz.
There was a knock-on effect upon the numbers of new Radio Amateurs in this era. To become a radio ham required passing the Radio Amateur Exam (RAE), held in May by City & Guilds. The number of exam candidates rose considerably:
UK CB history, another page :
The UK CampaignThe fact that we got CB at all in the UK is proof that democracy sometimes DOES work, the government actually took notice of strong public pressure, including petitions and marches.
1972, Malaga (or 15.Oct.73?)
June '76
May 1978
6.May.1980 At this time, it had yet to be decided where CB would end up amongst the wavebands. The breakers of the time wanted 27 AM to be simply legalised as it was, but that was ruled out by the Radio Regulatory Department of the Home Office - the body responsible back then for all radio transmissions in the UK. The AM mode was said to cause more interference, so the government was only going to allow FM, no matter where in the radio spectrum. Although 4W of FM could cause TVI just as easily as a 4W peak from AM, FM TVI was less severe, causing a more stable change in brightness or contrast, sometimes with striped colour effects, rather than the picture being completely broken up in sympathy with the modulation.
27 AM
41-47 MHz
225/230/232 MHz
232 was called the Lancaster Bomber Band, supposedly having been used in WWII but never since - but scanner enthusiasts will know that the whole "Military Airband" was always in full use, so it was a non starter to suggest even a tiny segment for CB. In hindsight there was really never any realistic chance of the M.o.D. giving up a slice of their important NATO 225-400 band, even if the boundary has shifted since to start at 230 due to DAB, and parts of the top end at 380/390 have been taken over by digital TETRA communications for the government.
450 MHz
928/930 MHz
While UK breakers waited to hear from the Home Office, many European countries already had 22ch legal 27AM/FM by now, called PR27. Eire followed suit, making 27FM legal with 40 channels, 4W, announced 16.Feb.81 A company called CTVR Ltd (64 Castlegate, Grantham, Lincs) advertised handhelds on 29.86 MHz (just above the amateur 10m band) for those wanting a clear channel to themselves, and 49.860 MHz AM was another frequency used by walkie-talkies (also illegal at the time).
7.February.1981 (sat)
9.Feb.1981 (mon)
14.February.1981 (sat)
26.Feb.81 (thur)
16.April.1981 (Maundy Thursday) The specs also called out of band limits of 50nW to prevent those pesky harmonics causing a problem, and a -10dB switch would be required to drop the power to 0.4W if the aerial was more than 10m above ground level. The UHF channels were later announced as being at 934 MHz, with 20 channels running from 934.025 to 934.975 in 50kHz steps, with a useful 8W of power and aerials designs which were to prove very capable. The finalised specs were to be published by the end of May, but took until the 24th June to arrive. The 27/81 standard was published as MPT 1320, and 934/81 as MPT 1321, and the "MPT" led to legal CB channels being called the "muppets".
UK Legal CBFrom the start on the 2nd November, it was fairly busy on 27/81 FM for a month or two (106,408 licences issued by the end of the year, for an estimated 300,000 rigs, rising to 169,494 up to 19.feb.82) - and then lots of kids arrived on the the air with their new rigs that Santa had brought them! In this area things were hectic for a year or two, and it was hard to find a clear channel for chatting. The calling channel was humming with activity, an entertainment in its own right, even well into the small hours. In fact, for quite some time I think there was activity 24 hours a day, CB never slept!For those wanting a more quiet band, CTVR (now at 35 Oxford Street, Grantham) developed a 46 MHz rig (6.5m wavelength) - although I'm not sure if any were sold (?). The CTVR40 was shown in the June '82 issue of CB Radio (issue 24, p44), and featured 40 channels of 4W FM from 46.000 to 46.390 in 10kHz steps, fitting in (illegally) between Band I TV channels 1 and 2. Ask an amateur who uses the nearby 6m (50MHz) band mobile how good the band is, on the move!
![]() The 46MHz CTVR40 rig - click for full size pic. Even where I was, in a rural backwater area at the time, CB reached us in force. Even we had REACT monitoring ch 9, and plenty of activity on our mobile channel. Various annual local special events had volunteers helping out using CB. We had a club with weekly meetings, and foxhunts, the works! By 83/84 if I remember correctly there was some drop off in numbers, and it was easy enough to find a clear channel - but still there was plenty going on. By 85/86 it was getting quiet enough that you could have your own channel where your friends could call you, yet there were plenty of breakers about, still meeting up in their cars at various local places in the evenings (anywhere with ample parking, a cafe, and a good view was good for "eyeballs").
Licence numbers -
I read that in 1988 there were about 115,000 licencees - but an estimated 300,000 actual users. By the turn of the decade it thinned out considerably, I last used the rig in about 1991 and at that time many minutes could go by without a call on the calling channel, and we were lucky to have more than 1 or 2 channels in use. A regular net of older folk talked amongst themselves on 'their' channel, and the youngsters left them to it.
UK changesEarly 1984BCBC (British CB Council) was formed by ex-officers of the CBA and NatColCiBaR, to represent enthusiasts to the authorities and media, campaign for improvements, organise a QSL bureau/insurance/rallies, publish a newsletter, and position itself as a governing body for CB.
January 1995
March 1995
December 1997
(We would eventually end up in the situation where multi-standard rigs were acceptable throughout the EU - the idea being that you would select the relevant country when switching on, and would be trusted not to use the UK channels on mainland Europe, or the German low channels over here, etc.!)
By March 2001 (RA 246 rev 8) the licence fee was £15 per year (from when exactly?).
4.July.2003 - HF's Independence Day
934 MHz UK CB Band2.Nov.198120 channels at 934 MHz were made legal to the British public at the start of legal UK CB in 1981, alongside the 40 channels on 27MHz. At first the frequencies ran from 934.025 to 934.975 (50kHz steps), but this would change later, in 1983. Things were very quiet at first, as it took some time for manufacturers to get such complicated UHF technology working and available to the public. 1983 In the July '83 issue of Citizens Band magazine (many issues here) it was announced that the channels would be moved down 12.5kHz (from 934.0125 to 934.9625) in line with a CEPT plan. (At this time the first legal cordless home phones were legalised on 47/1.7 MHz too, mentioned here to show how unused to mobile comms we were back then!)
Aug '83
Sept. '83
Oct '83
Late '83
April '84
Mid '84
Summer '84
Sept '84
Oct '84
End of '84
Early '85
March '85
July '85
August '85 1986
Jan '86
March '86
April '86
Mid '86
Oct '86
End of '86
DSRR was a lame duck though. Manufacturers failed to show any interest, as prepaid Pay-As-You-Go mobile phones had caused an explosion of new users of GSM by then (the "2G" digital mobile phone system that replaced the analogue TACS, with the attraction of SMS Text Messaging, GSM still being in use in 2010), and it was such a cheap option that a two-way radio system simply couldn't compete. The whole idea was shelved, officially withdrawn on 1.November.1996 It was too late for a reprieve for 934/81 CB though, which was discontinued by the UK Government. From the 1988 bombshell, owners were allowed another decade to use 934 until the final day of 31.Dec.1998, and then the band was later reallocated to the extended E-GSM band 925-935 (paired with 880-890). UHF CB also ran out in Switzerland 5 years later, with their 933 Band closing 31.Dec.2003.
You will often hear that we lost 934 to mobile phones, but it was really the DSRR idea which signed 934's death warrant. We could have had those oft-promised extra 20 channels by reducing the spacing to 25kHz, but that never happened in the end.
![]() Cybernet Delta 1 - click for full size pic. 934 was perhaps too far ahead of its time. Too expensive and in short supply at the height of the CB craze, out of the range of too many people's pockets until it was too late to save it. I tried it once, it was extremely poor for mobile use in a hilly rural area, the flutter and absorbtion was unbearable. It's no wonder the mobile phone providers needed so many base stations on the band for adequate coverage (back in the days when capacity wasn't a problem that drove a need to reduce cell sizes). 934 came into its own for hilltop DX, and base use, rooftop-to-rooftop, with huge ranges available during tropo "lifts". Ask an Amateur with experience of 430 and 1290 MHz, and they'll tell you just how good a band halfway between would be! Even now in 2010, people still talk about how great 934 was for them. Rigs still change hands on auction websites, and I believe there are still some enthusiasts experimenting on the air, fitting in between the mobile phones where they can.
2010 - What now?It seems obvious to me that CB only caught on in the UK because of the glamour of American CB in the media, combined with the main driving force : the novelty of mobile communications to a populace only used to telephones hard-wired to their walls. I'd even go as far as to suggest that it was inevitable that cheap two-way radio like CB would be available to the public before networks of mobile telephones could evolve, and the same kind of thing would be quite likely to happen in any advancing civilisation (on any planet!) - especially likely to emerge in a large sprawling (and democratic) country with isolated pockets of habitation. As soon as the state of technology permits something like CB, it is almost a given that a Citizen's service will be introduced, in a free country. Unfortunately for those who look back fondly at the fun of those 70s/80s days, and who really yearn for the craze to catch alight once more, those reasons mean that it's almost impossible for it to happen again. We have mobile communications with our mobile phones, so two-way radio simply isn't needed for that kind of use (long range secure and reliable telecommunications) - even if there is still a niche for things like PMR446 : close range, free of charges, independent of network providers or infrastructure, providing one-to-many calls, with instant call setup. CB may seem to offer a longer range version of this, but as soon as range is increased, so is the risk of intrusion by mischief-making idiots which sadly makes it unviable. The amount of "skip" interference on 27MHz makes it near to useless all too often, but even a skip-free VHF band would still run into the Wallies Problem, and any successful way to counter that would lead to another problem if it actually became worthwhile : overcrowding! The early days of CB had the novelty of the social aspect of suddenly being able to contact lots of new people, but again those days are over and unlikely to return. The internet has made it much easier to make contact with new people, with the added advantage of being able to achieve this worldwide and not be limited to the local area, and also being able to directly target those who share our specific interests. Plus you don't have to worry about the possibility of freaky stalkers or pedos, or at least not too close to home for comfort! I really can't imagine the media letting a resurgence of CB pass without massive scare stories about the danger to children in this day and age of overblown risks. In this area now, CB is almost dead when the skip is absent. It is used by 4x4 enthusiasts, as it has better range than PMR446 handheld radios, and it's no big deal to have a springy-base (resistant to knocks from branches) CB antenna on the vehicle. That just about sums up the modern use of CB - a longer range version of PMR446, used by closed groups of people who already know each other. The whole "14 for a copy" "copy copy, pick a window" culture has been consigned to history, around here at least! With my old rigs lying around in forgotten corners of the loft or garage in various states of malfunction, why would I buy a new one? Perhaps it would be fun to do a spot of DXing again? No thanks, I don't look back too fondly on the horrible racket of several FM signals competing for dominance of the channel (although it was a fun novelty to a teenager at the time) and if the conditions are supporting such a thing I might as well be on 24/28 MHz Amateur bands instead, maybe 29 MHz "10 fm" to re-live FM DXing in a more civilised way. But, why do I find myself yearning for the fun I had back then, waiting for The Dukes to reappear on a Free-To-Air TV channel, and looking keenly at those adverts for the latest generation 80 channel multi-standard rigs? It's in my blood! Could it be possible that people might get fed up with their internet and smart phones and the craze comes back? :-)
The rest of this page is mostly the same as it was when first written in 2003 or earlier. Things may have changed a little, but I thought I'd leave it as a record of how I felt at the time!
ThoughtsSome say CB was intended as a short range hobby communications facility. "Intended" doesn't come into it in the UK. The government gave way to public demand. The people wanted 27MHz, the same system as the USA, the same size antennas, the whole lot. Back then part of the thrill of CB was working 'skip' to the USA too. We were eventually fobbed off with FM on different frequencies. This has since meant that any DX openings cannot be properly taken advatage of.Legal CB grants the public access to 11 meters, albeit with the limitations of FM. The public are now used to being able to use this band in any way they see fit. We are used to DXing to other countries where they use FM. Many MANY people have decided the law is an ass and do their own thing with SSB regardless. Many of us would rather have FULL LEGAL access (SSB) in order to take part on a level playing field with other countries. Not too much to ask, IMHO. For now, when the band is flooded with SSB 'skip' we legal FM-ers can't make sense of it or call back. They say wouldn't there be more TVI with SSB? But how can there be - any TV totally unaffected by 4W of constant carrier is not going to be affected by a varying signal that doesn't rise above the same upper power limit at any time. If there's TVI then there's a problem somewhere, regardless of mode. Some actual TVI may be worse in effect with SSB than FM, but most people still find ANY TVI objectionable and will try to cure it. It is more correct to say that SSB makes existing TVI worse, but that TVI can usually be cured quite easily. A type approved 27MHz SSB set would cause less problems than a legal amateur running 100W on 28MHz. So it is wrong to suggest that CB is just local and short range. Working skip DX is part of the nature of 11m, part of CB back then and always will be. By some odd irony, the USA actually doesn't permit DX over ranges of greater than 153 miles, but this doesn't apply in practice, and doesn't feature in the rules in any other country. 11m is the band for the non-amateur DX enthusiast to enjoy, and no legislation is likely to stop it, it's too well established, and too difficult and pointless to enforce otherwise. DX-ing is a recognized radio sport, and while it fits within the bounds of the definition of amateur radio there is not necessarily a need to understand all the technical details as an amateur is required to. Some hams will snobbily look down their noses at the mere mention of CB, and make childish remarks about brain-dead 'appliance operators' etc. They only make themselves look foolish.
CB : Allows you to communicate and fiddle about with accessories Specifics aside (exams, callsigns, logbooks, operating procedures etc), that's all there is to it in principle, to a 'glorified CB-er' (ha ha!) amateur like myself. That's what the regulations permit, all that matters to me overall. Let's be honest, you don't need a ham license to play with electronics, to use a receiver, experiment with antennas, power supplies, microphones and speech processors, to use a CB. The only action that actually requires an amateur license is the specific one of transmitting on an amateur band. All those who say that 'real' amateurs build their own equipment are missing the point - anyone can tinker with radio electronics without a license. People like me look at what's allowed with the amateur service, not what may have been **intended** a century ago. If some 'real amateurs' see things differently that's their problem. Tough, we're here to stay. Share your playpen, kiddies. The radio spectrum belongs to all of us. You want a private club? Go play golf! People say local CB is dead. It isn't, yet! What we have are 80 channels that anyone can use for any almost any speech purpose. Great! Only, in real life you'll find either no activity whatsoever, or a packed band full of would-be DJs and idiots intent on spoiling things for others. There are ways to avoid the idiots though. Have a secret meeting channel with your mates - where you can meet up when there's a problem on the current channel. Make overs VERY brief when meeting there, just passing another channel number. Meet on the new channel with "OK?" .. "yup" and keep quiet for a minute or two. The idiot will have no idea where you are and get bored. Or you can have a arrange a next-channel system without having one fixed rendez-vous. Every time you meet on a new channel, start by giving the channel number you'll go to NEXT time. Have a code word that means "I'm moving on to the next channel" - it's usually possible for messages to pass at least in one direction over the top of any jamming. The practice of waiting for a few minutes on an unknown channel is what really gets them bored enough to give up, unless they have NOTHING better to do! Away from such trouble spots CB is still useful for groups of people wanting to keep in touch. Until the skip comes in... SSB is the main problem for the UK. For long periods the whole system is completely swamped with interference from signals that mess up the FM reception. This makes local communication impossible. It would be nice to talk back to those interfering stations but the UK does not allow the use of SSB. Well, that's CB ruined then.
The futureIt doesn't look good for CB longterm. 27MHz is a joke when the skip is there. There will be other ways to communicate easily before long.Imagine high-speed internet access, and how that will allow quick real-time voice communication worldwide. Imagine the newsgroups with each message being spoken instead of typed - and almost instant to download. Imagine this mobile, wherever you are, instead of tethered to your computer - open, speech chatrooms - who would need radio (as we know it) then? Imagine a mobile phone sized widget, with free (or low cost) mobile HIGH SPEED net access. It will be like having a handheld walky-talky with a non-stop-action stream of chat, like listening to a global-coverage repeater. It won't be long. It will stun the telecomms industry. We could even see it spiral totally out of control by having a system where mobile units pass messages around between each other (as nodes on the web) without any FIXED parts of the system. Totally inter-mobile, relying on sufficient numbers of units being in the area. Enthusiasts would provide their own repeaters to extend the service out into rural areas. Where does that leave CB?!! Looking to the present though, there are three main types of radio use without becoming a radio amateur:
But it's so straightforward to get an M3 callsign (and progress through other classes without learning Morse) that is this really worth doing? Anyone who hated the thought of learning Morse now has nothing to stop them getting licenced and using 28MHz SSB legally. But there is a need for the kind of local service that allows a low-powered service with roof-mounted antennas to achieve local CB-like ranges WITHOUT any possibility of SSB interference (i.e. above 30MHz) preferably using CTCSS/DCS as with PMR 446. With CTCSS, and given the current demand, I would imagine 20 channels or less would meet the demand. A 200kHz ( 20 x 10kHz ) section of spectrum allocated throughout Europe somewhere between 30 and 217 is hardly asking too much is it? The same bandwidth as ONE radio mic channel? 27MHz SSB should eventually ease off ( with access to HF much easier) and to make matters bearable for FM users of 27MHz I would say CTCSS is needed. The license structure of Amateur Radio in the UK has changed. With Morse no longer required for access to HF, and a more simply obtained license class allowing a CB-ishly local 433MHz service, it seems that anyone wishing to use radio in any style vaguely amateur-like will find little in their way. Some people find this horrifying while I welcome it. We all have to start somewhere. If the snobs want an exclusive club tough luck. They can have nets where outsiders are unwelcome, I'll leave them to it. They aren't likely to get any more abuse than they do already (not that I condone that - I'll happily track down anyone making a pain of themself). With Amateur Radio sorted and worthy of its place in the 21st century, this still leaves a demand for skip-free UHF CB for normal people not interested in radio for its own sake, and perhaps for a non-amateur DX/local 27MHz.
The call for UHF CBSince we lost 934MHz there has been some clamour for a decent skip-free UHF-based CB. PMR446 is good for low range, and many countries have equivilant services, but it just doesn't cut it for CB-style use. But Australia has 40 channels at 477MHz. Japan has 903MHz. Sweden and Finland have VHF services on 31 an 70MHz. And the USA has GMRS - a simple license gets you up to 50W on 462 and 467MHz. And they have 5 channels at 151/154 MHz too, with CB-like range.A coordinated campaign for Europe has got to be worth a try, hasn't it? Asking just the UK Government for something is likely to be as fruitless as an empty basket. Demanding something of the European ERO is the only way anything is going to filter through to the UK. Trouble is, there has been an awful lot of work at the ERO just trying to harmonise 27MHz! Even finding a spot for TETRA Direct Mode, or a common allocation for Low Power Devices, can take an age. Just one country can foul up the best laid plans. I'm not too optimistic about a common UHF CB system, but let's not give up :o) If we pressure Europe, in conjunction with other national societies, it just might get discussed. I think it's premature to even think in terms of frequencies, but with 410-430 and 450-470 being 2 x 10 MHz bands suitable for TETRA, somewhere in 430-450 would seem the best bet. Somewhere in 442-448 because 432-438 is likely to always remain an amateur band and not be used for TETRA, even if amateurs lose 430-432 and/or 438-440. An allocation within 430-450 would also mean that any equipment taken to the USA would only affect their Amateur Radio band and not foul up any commercial business services. As the police have cleared from 450-453/464-467 onto PSRCP TETRA at 380-400, who knows how these vacated 6MHz will be used? The whole 20MHz of 450-470 is earmarked as a candidate for public TETRA in 2 chunks of 10MHz (for base and mobile). If Marine On-board systems stay put at 457/467, they have 10MHz splits anyway and so no spectrum is left unusable for TETRA 10MHz splits there. I believe imported USA equipment at 462 and 467 (GMRS and FRS) is likely to be an increasing problem and spectrum may have to remain set aside for this. Here is an opportunity to allow FRS in Europe, after all it's likely to be (ab)used here anyway if not allowed. There are 15 channels at 12.5kHz spacing from 462.550 to 462.725 as used by FRS (7) and GMRS (8), and 15 more at 467.550-467.725 - a new 30 channel CB service could use these channels. There is a possibility of using the space 10MHz lower at 452.55-452.725 and 457.55-457.725 - making a 60 channel CB service where some 14 channels can be used with FRS radios. This system would feature 4 sets of 15 channels, each set spread 5MHz apart over some 15MHz in all - but I suspect this is too much of a spread to be acceptable and that some other service would get the 452/457 parts. Further down the spectrum there isn't a snowflake in hell's chance of anywhere from 217 to 410 - DAB, miltary AERO (OR), PSRCP TETRA and satellite/LPD - except maybe 389.9-390 as this spot within the 380-400 Public Safety TETRA band cannot be paired with 399.9-400 (satellite). I don't expect they'd like anything so close to government TETRA though! From 470 upwards is unlikely until UHF TV bands are vacated by the march of 'progress' towards digital telly. I don't favour anything at 800MHz or higher, personally. However, with 12.5kHz channels we only really need a very modest slice of spectrum. PMR446 (analogue and digital) fits into just 0.2MHz, and a 16 channel CB system would be better than nothing. The bands 445.2-445.3 OR 447.3-447.4 have been proposed for civil TETRA Direct Mode (no base station repeaters required). Perhaps when they decide on one of these, we can pressure them for the other one! Enough for 8 channels as with 446. Then again 444 has a nice ring to it :o) (UPDATE It has just been decided that 445.2-445.3 is to be used in Europe for TETRA DMO) We really want at least 20 channels and some repeater possibilities though, don't we? Or do we? I could do without repeaters, become an amateur if that's your interest. 934 never had them. But the Aussies and Yanks do :o) Some enthusiasts call for PMR446 to be extended, more channels and external antennas allowed. That would give us a CB service, but destroy the nature of PMR446. I think the two need to be different services. Either call for more channels at 446 with no PMR446 overlap, or say 20 channels at 444 (0.25MHz total), or 30 at 462/467. I personally favour 462/467 as the 450-470 band is being re-farmed, imported FRS and GMRS will be there anyway, and it's a natural candidate for repeaters with a GMRS 5MHz split. We need a UHF CB mailing list and a central web-site to co-ordinate efforts. If such a list ever gained thousands of members throughout Europe that would have to count for something. If enough people ask for the same thing, Europe must surely debate the topic. That is our best hope.
Debate on please! Try
Google Groups for Usenet newsgroups on the web.
11m DX11m (11 meters) means the 27MHz band - or even down as far as 25MHz. SSB is allowed in quite a few large countries, but is not permitted by many administrations - repressive regimes like the UK :o) - although it continues nonetheless as "freeband". Here are the channels in use - although "opened-up" ham radio equipment allows operation on any frequency, instead of by channel.Here in the UK only FM is allowed for CB. Not very useful for DX, as all the channels will be swamped with noise during openings. Pathetic. You will hear calling on 27.555 - very nicely done too, puts the amateurs to shame! Calling is by announcing the station and the frequency the station will be moving to, instead of the poorer amateur practice of clogging a calling frequency with initial contacts before finally changing frequency. Operating is very good on the whole. Callsigns usually consist of a country prefix number (or division), followed by letters and numbers of the station's own choice. Usually a station will belong to a radio club such as Alpha Tango and would use the AT letters followed by their membership number. Similarly the White Cliffs DX Group (link dead) used WC (fnarr!). For example, a UK based member of the United Kingdom (link dead) club might be 26 UK 01 and on holiday in France would sign as 14/26UK01. See the divisions page for more details.
The pirate nature of 11m operating gives it an appeal that will ensure activity well into the future. Those
who DX here do so despite the ease of getting an Amateur Licence, so I believe there will always be a core of operators for whom legalisation would kill the joy of it. I can't imagine it affects anyone else unduly, so unless there are complaints of interference I expect the authorities will just turn a blind eye.
Channel | -3 | -2 | -1 | EU | +1 | +2 | +3 | UK |
01 | 25.615 | 26.065 | 26.515 | 26.965 | 27.415 | 27.865 | 28.315 | 27.60125 |
02 | 25.625 | 26.075 | 26.525 | 26.975 | 27.425 | 27.875 | 28.325 | 27.61125 |
03 | 25.635 | 26.085 | 26.535 | 26.985 | 27.435 | 27.885 | 28.335 | 27.62125 |
03a | 25.645 | 26.095 | 26.545 | 26.995 | 27.445 | 27.895 | 28.345 | --------- |
04 | 25.655 | 26.105 | 26.555 | 27.005 | 27.455 | 27.905 | 28.355 | 27.63125 |
05 | 25.665 | 26.115 | 26.565 | 27.015 | 27.465 | 27.915 | 28.365 | 27.64125 |
06 | 25.675 | 26.125 | 26.575 | 27.025 | 27.475 | 27.925 | 28.375 | 27.65125 |
07 | 25.685 | 26.135 | 26.585 | 27.035 | 27.485 | 27.935 | 28.385 | 27.66125 |
07a | 25.695 | 26.145 | 26.595 | 27.045 | 27.495 | 27.945 | 28.395 | --------- |
08 | 25.705 | 26.155 | 26.605 | 27.055 | 27.505 | 27.955 | 28.405 | 27.67125 |
09 | 25.715 | 26.165 | 26.615 | 27.065 | 27.515 | 27.965 | 28.415 | 27.68125 |
10 | 25.725 | 26.175 | 26.625 | 27.075 | 27.525 | 27.975 | 28.425 | 27.69125 |
11 | 25.735 | 26.185 | 26.635 | 27.085 | 27.535 | 27.985 | 28.435 | 27.70125 |
11a | 25.745 | 26.195 | 26.645 | 27.095 | 27.545 | 27.995 | 28.445 | --------- |
12 | 25.755 | 26.205 | 26.655 | 27.105 | 27.555 | 28.005 | 28.455 | 27.71125 |
13 | 25.765 | 26.215 | 26.665 | 27.115 | 27.565 | 28.015 | 28.465 | 27.72125 |
14 | 25.775 | 26.225 | 26.675 | 27.125 | 27.575 | 28.025 | 28.475 | 27.73125 |
15 | 25.785 | 26.235 | 26.685 | 27.135 | 27.585 | 28.035 | 28.485 | 27.74125 |
15a | 25.795 | 26.245 | 26.695 | 27.145 | 27.595 | 28.045 | 28.495 | --------- |
16 | 25.805 | 26.255 | 26.705 | 27.155 | 27.605 | 28.055 | 28.505 | 27.75125 |
17 | 25.815 | 26.265 | 26.715 | 27.165 | 27.615 | 28.065 | 28.515 | 27.76125 |
18 | 25.825 | 26.275 | 26.725 | 27.175 | 27.625 | 28.075 | 28.525 | 27.77125 |
19 | 25.835 | 26.285 | 26.735 | 27.185 | 27.635 | 28.085 | 28.535 | 27.78125 |
19a | 25.845 | 26.295 | 26.745 | 27.195 | 27.645 | 28.095 | 28.545 | --------- |
20 | 25.855 | 26.305 | 26.755 | 27.205 | 27.655 | 28.105 | 28.555 | 27.79125 |
21 | 25.865 | 26.315 | 26.765 | 27.215 | 27.665 | 28.115 | 28.565 | 27.80125 |
22 | 25.875 | 26.325 | 26.775 | 27.225 | 27.675 | 28.125 | 28.575 | 27.81125 |
23 | 25.905 | 26.355 | 26.805 | 27.255 | 27.705 | 28.155 | 28.605 | 27.82125 |
24 | 25.885 | 26.335 | 26.785 | 27.235 | 27.685 | 28.135 | 28.585 | 27.83125 |
25 | 25.895 | 26.345 | 26.795 | 27.245 | 27.695 | 28.145 | 28.595 | 27.84125 |
26 | 25.915 | 26.365 | 26.815 | 27.265 | 27.715 | 28.165 | 28.615 | 27.85125 |
27 | 25.925 | 26.375 | 26.825 | 27.275 | 27.725 | 28.175 | 28.625 | 27.86125 |
28 | 25.935 | 26.385 | 26.835 | 27.285 | 27.735 | 28.185 | 28.635 | 27.87125 |
29 | 25.945 | 26.395 | 26.845 | 27.295 | 27.745 | 28.195 | 28.645 | 27.88125 |
30 | 25.955 | 26.405 | 26.855 | 27.305 | 27.755 | 28.205 | 28.655 | 27.89125 |
31 | 25.965 | 26.415 | 26.865 | 27.315 | 27.765 | 28.215 | 28.665 | 27.90125 |
32 | 25.975 | 26.425 | 26.875 | 27.325 | 27.775 | 28.225 | 28.675 | 27.91125 |
33 | 25.985 | 26.435 | 26.885 | 27.335 | 27.785 | 28.235 | 28.685 | 27.92125 |
34 | 25.995 | 26.445 | 26.895 | 27.345 | 27.795 | 28.245 | 28.695 | 27.93125 |
35 | 26.005 | 26.455 | 26.905 | 27.355 | 27.805 | 28.255 | 28.705 | 27.94125 |
36 | 26.015 | 26.465 | 26.915 | 27.365 | 27.815 | 28.265 | 28.715 | 27.95125 |
37 | 26.025 | 26.475 | 26.925 | 27.375 | 27.825 | 28.275 | 28.725 | 27.96125 |
38 | 26.035 | 26.485 | 26.935 | 27.385 | 27.835 | 28.285 | 28.735 | 27.97125 |
39 | 26.045 | 26.495 | 26.945 | 27.395 | 27.845 | 28.295 | 28.745 | 27.98125 |
40 | 26.055 | 26.505 | 26.955 | 27.405 | 27.855 | 28.305 | 28.755 | 27.99125 |
Please do not use, 11 meter AM broadcasting band 25.6 - 26.1 |
Please do not use, frequencies in use for maritime service 26.1 - 26.175 |
Please do not use, frequencies in use for remote controlled models and LPDs! |
Please do not use, 10 meter amateur radio band! 28 - 29.7 |
These are the ONLY frequencies you can LEGALLY use in the UK! |
USB Calling channel |
Interferes with UK FM CB. Thanks a lot! |
Note that "going up 2 bands" from 19 puts you on 28.085 which is within an amateur band. Please don't!
It would be good if there was a convention to avoid at least 10 channels worth, just from 27.7 to 27.8 (hi channels 26 to 35 even) to allow the UK clear use of their FM channels 12 to 20 including 14 and 19. I can dream! Other services using 26MHz:
DX prefixesFor a table listing these 'divisions', with maps, please follow this link.
Echo CharlieTo read about pirate 6.6MHz acitivities, please follow this link.
PMR446One legal way to communicate via radio (ignoring the pathetic 49MHz system) is via PMR446, 8 channels at the UHF frequency of 446 to 446.1 MHz. Please follow links here for more details.