How to justify buying a new radio 

Maybe you're impulsive enough to not even worry about these things, but some of us agonise over it. The average working man can afford to spend a few hundred pounds on a new toy, either outright or by saving, the only problem being whether it's justified. There are, after all, so many other things to be saving for. If you're saving hard for something for all the family, how selfish to spend on yourself. Just how much does it *really* set back other projects to divert funds to this new radio? How exactly can you convice yourself that the toy is worth it, and that it is money well spent?

I deserve it! Of course. Try your luck with "I'm a lovely bloke, I should get a prize. A radio, perhaps."

Everyone's allowed a hobby! Yes. You could waste more money on sport etc., or drinking, smoking...

It's not wasted money, you're converting cash into a fixed asset. The radio will still have a value. In any line of thought, consider how much the radio will raise when sold second hand - you only need to justify the difference. For the morbid, consider that after your passing, your family can still recover value from a sale of the radio. If you really fall on hard times, you can sell the radio.

It's good for the economy! Accumulating savings doesn't really do much for anyone, but buying a radio helps a whole chain of people to earn a living (outside of the banking industry that is, but they're all perfectly rich enough). The radio dealer will stay in business just that little bit longer, the manufacturer still makes radios and develops new models, etc. It's good for the hobby. And one day someone will get on the air cheaply with your second-hand radio - how marvellous!

Will I ever miss the money? How much money do you aim to have when the sadly inevitable day comes when you pass on? Will you ever have less money than the price of this toy in your account, at any moment in the meantime? If not, you'll never miss it. Who ever says "I wish I'd saved more" on their deathbed? Imagine when oblivion is but an inch away from you and your life is flashing before your eyes - you've always had $££$ in the bank that you never enjoyed! Damn!

I could be dead next year! Still dealing with an unpleasant theme, but it's no use trying to avoid it. I know people who have had life-changing experiences who have changed their spending habbits because you "can't take it with you". And it's a valid point of view too, especially when you've just missed death by a whisker. Live a little, enjoy yourself, you never know what tomorrow may bring!

I might as well enjoy myself now! There's a fair chance you're in for a fair amount of suffering in years to come. Yes I know, pessimistic and all that, but let's be realistic - those teeth don't last for ever. Toothache sucks! Are you really confident you're never going to be ill again? Spend a spell or five in a hospital bed? Catch something nasty that makes you pray for your normal life back? Lose somebody you love? Right then. All the more reason to make the most of life right now!

How much will I use it? This, for me, is the clincher. If you're going to enjoy this new radio for at least half an hour a day for many years to come, it's worth it automatically. That's 1500 hours of enjoyment at least, over ten years, and in reality most likely a whole lot more. But let's examine this, just to pass the time. How much do other things cost versus how long they last? The simplest example is a newspaper that might cost 50p and last less than half an hour. One pound per hour, we'll call it, as a basic cost for occupying the mind and diverting yourself from the grim realities of the world. Compare with cinema tickets and white-knuckle rides for a higher enjoyment factor per pounds per hour. Driving for pleasure can cost a fortune for example, considering purchase and sale price of the car, repair bills, insurance, parking, fuel costs etc, versus mileage/time in the vehicle - work it out and weep! But enough of this depressing analysys, just ask yourself "How much would I pay for an hour using this radio, somewhere?" and consider how often you'll use it. You'd be silly NOT to, wouldn't you?!

I'll get one eventually, so why not now? If you intend to take up amateur radio more seriously in your later years, you will eventually buy a radio. So, why delay the inevitable and miss out in the meantime? Buy it now and you'll get even more value from it!

It's my money, my life! Stuff the wife, all the agro I get from her, I'll do as I please! This one's up to your own conscience, but if you genuinely feel there's a one-way street of cr** coming your way on balance, then by all means you deserve a toy or three to make up for it. Especially if she's forever wasting good money on pathetic things that do nothing but clutter up the place ;o)

Saving : Ease the conscience by saving for it. Have a "Toy Fund". Any money that comes your way as a present or unexpected windfall can go towards your eventual radio purchase, surely? Save your dosh but in the meantime add up how much you've got in your fund. If you have the willpower, use this as a slimming aid - if you're buying cakes or icecream ask the wife if she'd mind if you put the pound into your toy fund instead of into your waistline. How can she refuse?! (this can backfire though, "I'm not having one if you're not" - but then at least you've saved some money and kept HER a little slimmer too, haha)

So go ahead, buy that new radio, and enjoy it guilt-free.

Now you've convinced yourself, good luck convincing the wife!

Please read "wife" as "husband" or "partner" if you're flying in the face of statistics and are feeling miffed. Most radio enthusiasts are male, by far. If you're the exception to the rule then congratulations but I don't want to hear about it, dear ;o)

30 Apr 2002

My thanks to the contributor who sent this in,
most helpful but I'm still not going to buy a new radio just yet!

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