The RF Spectrum - Spanish Allocations

last meddled with : 14.feb.01

Radio band details for Spain. At the moment practically a bare template that could apply to most Euro countries. So - I would be most grateful for your assistance filling in the gaps... if you can help improve this page (detail-wise, I LIKE the colour scheme!), please e-mail to the EuroScanner mailing list at addressing your comments to my good friend Rf-man - thanks.

Best viewed in MS-IE, on a beach, with scantily-clad...
It doesn't line up in Netscape! (View source in WordPad)

DISCLAIMER: This page is provided for interest/curiosity only. Private services should remain that way, if you listen without a licence (you can't get them) to anything other than licenced Broadcasting or Amateur Radio (& CB) you are breaking the law. Even having a private frequency stored in a receiver's memory channel is considered to be proof of intercepting messages that are not intended for you. Penalties include heavy fines and/or imprisonment.
You have been warned.

Bandas de frecuencia española - Radio de España - subastas del Espectro Radioeléctrico


For more radio details, try the UK page.


  0.13675 Ham 2km band (135.7-137.8 kHz)       ** new Euro band, 1998 **

  0.153.. LW AM Broadcasting, to 0.279 - 9kHz channels (ITU Region1) + some Nav. (NDB)

    153   Germany, Romania, Algeria
    162   France, Turkey
    171   Russia, Morocco,  
    177   Germany
    183   Germany
    189   Italy
    198   UK BBC Radio 4
    207   Germany, Morocco
    216   France,  Norway
    225   Poland,  spare UK allocation
    234   Luxembourg, Russia
    243   Denmark
    252   EIRE Atlantic 252, Algeria
    261   Moscow
    270   Czech
    279   Belarus, Isle of Man (soon)

          Marine/Aero Navigation (NDB beacons) + Maritime Mobile (CW)

  0.500   Calling, Distress (CW)
  0.518   Navtex, (& 490 & 4209.5 kHz)

  0.531.. MW AM Broadcasting, to 1.602 - 9 kHz channels (10kHz to 1.700 in USA)

          MF mobile, Maritime and Aero. (OR)

          Amateur Radio 160m "Top Band" (1.81-2.0) (SSB used is mainly LSB)

  2.182   Calling, Distress

--2.85----HF--------------------    the "reeal shortwave bands"!
          mobile, fixed, military, ISM, SRD, and...            "numbers stations".   More.
          AM Broadcasting
          (around 2.4, 3.3, 3.975, 5, 6, 7.2, 9.7, 11.8, 13.7, 15.3, 17.8, 21.6, 25.8)

          Amateur Radio
          80m   ( 3.5 - 3.8)   (SSB mainly LSB)
          40m   ( 7.0 - 7.1)   (SSB mainly LSB)
          30m   (10.1 - 10.15) (SSB not recommended) (WARC)
          20m   (14.0 - 14.35)
          16.5m (18.068-18.168) (WARC)
          15m   (21.0 - 21.45)
          12m   (24.89- 24.99)  (WARC)

          Standard Frequency references, and Time signals
          (at 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0)

          Maritime (3kHz SSB channels)    more  more 

   2046+ 2049  intership (kHz)
   2053+ 2056  intership
   4146+ 4149  intership
   4357- 4435  shore chs  401- 427 ( -292kHz split:  4065- 4143)    4417/ 4125 calling
   6224- 6230  intership
   6501- 6522  shore chs  601- 608 ( -301kHz split:  6200- 6221)    6516/ 6215 calling
   8291        ch 833 GMDSS
   8294+ 8297  intership
   8707- 8716  chs 834-837
   8719- 8812  shore chs  801- 832 ( -524kHz split:  8195- 8288)    8779/ 8255 calling
  12353-12365  intership
  13077-13197  shore chs 1201-1241 ( -847kHz split: 12230-12350)   13137/12290 calling
  16528-16546  intership
  17242-17410  shore chs 1601-1656 ( -882kHz split: 16360-16525)   17302/16420 calling
  18825-18843  intership
  19755-19797  shore chs 1801-1815 ( -975kHz split: 18780-18822)   19770/18795 calling
  22159-22177  intership
  22696-22852  shore chs 2201-2253 ( -696kHz split: 22000-22156)   22756/22060 calling
  25100-25118  intership
  26145-26172  shore chs 2501-2510 (-1075kHz split: 25070-25097)   26172/25097 calling

          Aeronautical R or ER (En-Route on fixed airways; so mainly civil)  (3kHz SSB channels)   more

   2851- 3019 kHz
   3401- 3497
   4651- 4696
   5481- 5676
   6526- 6682
   8816- 8960

          Aeronautical OR (Off-Route; so mainly military)  (3kHz SSB channels)      GHFS

   3023- 3152 kHz
   4700- 4995
   5680-      GMDSS SAR
   5684- 5726
   6685- 6763
   8965- 9037

              Fixed & Mobile (not aero)

   26.515...  CB, to 26.955
   26.965...  CB, to 27.405  (legal - CEPT)

   26.965  01
   26.975  02       +"Black" (Models code)
   26.985  03
   26.995     "Brown" / 3A
   27.005  04
   27.015  05       +27.020 "Brown/Red" (5a)
   27.025  06
   27.035  07
   27.045     "Red"     +Test/Dev / 7A
   27.055  08
   27.065  09       +27.070 "Red/Orange" (9a)
   27.075  10
   27.085  11
   27.095     "Orange"  +Railway SRDs / 11A
   27.105  12
   27.115  13       +27.120 "Orange/Yellow" (13a)
   27.125  14
   27.135  15
   27.145     "Yellow" / 15A
   27.155  16
   27.165  17       +27.170 "Yellow/Green" (17a)
   27.175  18
   27.185  19
   27.195     "Green" / 19A
   27.205  20           from 20 to 40  channel num = first two decimals except 23 to 25...
   27.215  21       +27.220 "Green/Blue" (21a)
   27.225  22
   27.235  24 !
   27.245  25 !     +"Blue"
   27.255  23 !
   27.265  26       +27.270 "Blue/Grey" or sometimes "White" (26a)
   27.405  40

   27.415...  CB, to 27.855
   27.865...  CB, to 27.985

   28.0 ...   Amateur 10m band

              Mobile. Military.

              "30-70 MHz (NFM, 25 KHz channel step) is only
              used here by the spanish army. You can browse around 35 MHz in daylight
              and, perhaps, can find something (except in large field exercises, there's
              few traffic on the band)." - email list posting

   31.025...  Cordless phone base, to 31.325 (duplex, split +8.9: 39.925-40.225) 12 x 25kHz channels

              37.5 ...   Radio Astronomy, to 38.25

              39.0= MBC Meteor Burst Comms, to 39.2= (8x 25kHz : 39.0125 to 39.1875) 500-1600km range

   39.925...  Cordless phone handset, to 40.225 (split -8.9: 31.0375-31.2125)
   40.500     Mil. Distress, Rescue (often wrongly listed as 40.050)  40.5 x 3 = 121.5
   40.66...   ISM, to 40.7 (40.68 +/- 20kHz)  ** proposed new Euro amateur beacons band **

   41= ...    Harmonised Military Band (EU1)

              Broadcasting Band I (TVE1)

              Euro TV 7MHz ch.: E2 47-54, E3 54-61, E4 61-68
              System B - PAL and Nicam used, FM sound at +5.5 MHz

              "In respect to the Madrid's E2 VHF TV transmitter (situated, by the
              way, atop a mountain called Bola del Mundo (World's Ball), last time
              I saw its transmission was about three months ago (in 2000) (I use the UHF
              transmitter in Madrid city downtown, Torrespana, to watch the five
              terrestrial analoge TV chains here)." - email list posting

   48.25      TV, ch2 vis.

   50.0 ...   Amateur 6m band, to 51

   53.75      TV, ch2 sound
   55.25      TV, ch3 vis.
   60.75      TV, ch3 sound
   62.25      TV, ch4 vis.
   67.75      TV, ch4 sound

              There is a Euro plan (25-08) to re-organise 54-68:  (boundaries)
              61... Base, to 68 (split -7: 54-61)

              Mobile. Military.

              "The most interesting part of this band is between 70 and 87.5 MHz.
              There are lots of services there (most of them private companies, working
              simplex or, sometimes, semi-duplex). There's also an emergency service of
              our National Health Service (ambulances)
              The most important service in this part of the band is the Guardia
              Civil (a kind of rural police, performing also some special services) Low
              VHF mobile comms. They use a quite complicated system, sometimes in
              simplex, sometime duplex or semi-duplex, using 41 channels both in the 75
              MHz segment and the 84 MHz one. If I was sure (I'm not) no Guardia Civil's
              personnel monitors this list, I could describe you an interesting system
              of doing comms here, in Madrid, by them." - email list posting

              There is a Euro plan (25-08) to re-organise this band:  (boundaries)
              77.8 ...  Base, to 87.5 (split -9.8: 68-77.7)   single: 77.7-77.8 and 74.8-75.2 & 84.6-85

              74.8 ...  Aero (radiolocation), to 75.2
              75.0      Runway marker beacons

              Paging, 25 kHz

   87.34      Eurosignal A
   87.365     Eurosignal B
   87.39      Eurosignal C
   87.415     Eurosignal D

              Broadcasting Band II

   87.6 ...   FM Broadcasting, to 107.9

              Aero Navigation, Military

  108.050...  ILS/VOR/ATIS, to 117.95 (50 kHz channels)


             100kHz spacing (original)  - 1 decimal place 118.0,   118.1 etc.               on air : 1 decimal
              50kHz spacing (1954)      - 2 decimals, new 118.05,  118.15 etc.              on air : 2 decimals
              25kHz spacing (1974)      - 3 decimals, new 118.025, 118.075 etc.             on air : 2 decimals
               8.33 spacing (1999/2000) - infinite recurring decimals! new 118.00833. etc   on air : 3 decimals

             The newer 25kHz spaced channels are rounded to only 2 decimal places when referred to, i.e. 118.02 or
             118.07 because the second decimal is only ever 2 or 7 and so there is no ambiguity.

             For "8.33", rounded 3 decimal place Channel Names are used :

              --NAME--   -step- -MHz---           --rounded--
              (1xx.x)    25     1xx.x00 \
              "1xx.x05"   8.33  1xx.x00 /         up 5
              "1xx.x10"   8.33  1xx.x08333   NEW  up
              "1xx.x15"   8.33  1xx.x16667   NEW  down
              "1xx.x2"   25     1xx.x25 \         down 5
              "1xx.x30"   8.33  1xx.x25 /         up 5
              "1xx.x35"   8.33  1xx.x33333   NEW  up
              "1xx.x40"   8.33  1xx.x41667   NEW  down
              (1xx.x5)   25     1xx.x50 \
              "1xx.x55"   8.33  1xx.x50 /         up 5
              "1xx.x60"   8.33  1xx.x58333   NEW  up
              "1xx.x65"   8.33  1xx.x66667   NEW  down
              "1xx.x7"   25     1xx.x75 \         down 5
              "1xx.x80"   8.33  1xx.x75 /         up 5
              "1xx.x85"   8.33  1xx.x83333   NEW  up
              "1xx.x90"   8.33  1xx.x91667   NEW  down

             Any 8.33 NAME just 5kHz higher than a normal 25kHz channel is the same freq.,
             otherwise tune to the NAMED freq. in 5kHz steps and you'll only be 1.666kHz off...
             ... then :
               If a NEW channel name is 10kHz ABOVE an old 25kHz channel, tune DOWN 1.666
               If a NEW channel name is 10kHz BELOW an old 25kHz channel, tune  UP  1.666

  118.0 ...   AM comms, to 136.975
  121.5       Distress, EPIRBs

  132.0 ...   8.33 sub-band for over FL245

  137=...  Aero (OR) to 144=

  137=...  Satellite, to 138=

          Weather Satellites, 137.3, 137.4, 137.5, 137.62, 137.85 etc.   Tracking.
          FM picture data not only too wide for most scanners (50kHz) but mind the Doppler shift too!
          More.   Good AmSat Keplers tutorial.

          LEO MSS Sat. downlinks, to 138= (up at 148-149.9)   Orbcomm (4800 bps FSK)
          137.000= - 137.025= Primary
          137.025= - 137.175= Secondary
          137.175= - 137.825= Primary
          137.825= - 138.000= Secondary

          Orbcomm 25kHz 12dBW RHCP channels, 1 per sat.
          137.200  S1
          137.225  S2
          137.250  S3
          137.2875 S11
          137.3125 S12
          137.435  S4
          137.460  S5
          137.560  Gateway (50kHz)
          137.6625 S6
          137.678  S7
          137.7125 S8
          137.7375 S9
          137.800  S10

              Aero (OR) - Military 

  138.2 ...   future Euro. SRD band, to 138.45

  143.625     Space - MIR station  (also 121.75 & 130.165 FM)


  144...   Amateur 2m band, to 146   Primary - IARU Bandplan:
           EME (Moonbounce)...
  144.150..SSB - calling 144.3
  144.4... Beacons, to 144.49
  144.5... All modes
  144.8... Digital, to 144.99
  145.0... Repeater inputs, to 145.1875
  145.2... FM Simplex, to 145.5875 (12.5 kHz channels) older 25kHz channels listed:

  145.2    S8,  V16   MIR (with 145.8)
  145.225  S9,  V18
  145.25   S10, V20
  145.275  S11, V22
  145.3    S12, V24
  145.325  S13, V26
  145.35   S14, V28
  145.375  S15, V30
  145.4    S16, V32
  145.425  S17, V34
  145.45   S18, V36
  145.475  S19, V38
  145.5    S20, V40   Mobile
  145.525  S21, V42
  145.55   S22, V44
  145.575  S23, V46
  145.5875      V47
           (Repeaters 145.6 - 145.7875, split -0.6)
  145.600  R0,  RV48
  145.6125 R0x, RV49
  145.625  R1,  RV50
  145.6375 R1x, RV51
  145.650  R2,  RV52
  145.6625 R2x, RV53
  145.675  R3,  RV54
  145.6875 R3x, RV55
  145.700  R4,  RV56
  145.7125 R4x, RV57
  145.725  R5,  RV58
  145.7375 R5x, RV59
  145.750  R6,  RV60
  145.7625 R6x, RV61
  145.775  R7,  RV62
  145.7875 R7x, RV63
  145.8... Satellite Service, to 146


              There is a Euro plan (25-08) to re-organise 146-156:  (boundaries)
              151.4 ... Base, to 156 (split -7: 146.8-151.4)   single: 146-146.8 and 149.9-150.05 & 154.5-154.65

  149.9 ...   Satellite Navigation, to 150.05

              156.0250... Marine mobile (see +4.6: 160.625)  and ch 6 (156.3 single)
  156.375...  Marine single : ch 8-17 and 67-77  
              156.9 ...   Marine mobile (see +4.6: 161.5)

  160.625...  Marine base, to 160.950  (split -4.6: 156.025-160.950)
  160.9750... private single, to 161.475
  161.5 ...   Marine base, to 162.025  (split -4.6: 156.900-157.425)

 Let's track the Marine VHF channels in two columns 4.6 MHz apart...

 ** dual freq. pairs
                   Shore/Base   Ship/mobile  4.6 MHz lower
                      160.625---156.025  60
                      160.650---156.050   1
                      160.675---156.075  61
                      160.700---156.100   2
                      160.725---156.125  62
                      160.750---156.150   3
                      160.775---156.175  63
                      160.800---156.200   4
                      160.825---156.225  64
                      160.850---156.250   5
                      160.875---156.275  65
 160.900  private               156.300   6 intership1 and SAR
                      160.925---156.325  66
                      160.950---156.350   7

 ** Now single freq.s           Base/Mobile
 ----------------------------   -------
 160.975  private               156.375  67 intership9
                                156.400   8 intership2
                                156.425  68
                                156.450   9 intership5
                                156.475  69 intership8
   ...                          156.500  10 intership3
                                156.525  70 DSC Digital SelCall ONLY, GMDSS NO VOICE
                                156.550  11
                                156.575  71
                                156.600  12
   to                           156.625  72 intership6
                                156.650  13 intership4 + International Nav Safety Comms
                                156.675  73 intership7
                                156.700  14
                                156.725  74
   ...                          156.750  15 intership11  1W on-board
                                156.775  75 1W
                                156.800  16 Calling, Distress
                                156.825  76 1W
                                156.850  17 intership12  1W on-board
 161.475  private               156.875  77 intership10

 ** Now dual freq. pairs again
                      Shore     Ship
                      161.500---156.900  18
                      161.525---156.925  78
                      161.550---156.950  19
                      161.575---156.975  79
                      161.600---157.000  20
                      161.625---157.025  80
                      161.650---157.050  21
                      161.675---157.075  81
                      161.700---157.100  22
                      161.725---157.125  82
                      161.750---157.150  23
                      161.775---157.175  83
                      161.800---157.200  24
                      161.825---157.225  84
                      161.850---157.250  25
                      161.875---157.275  85
                      161.900---157.300  26
                      161.925---157.325  86
                      161.950---157.350  27
                      161.975---157.375  87 old, paired use
 161.975 AIS1                   157.375  87
                      162.000---157.400  28
                      162.025---157.425  88 old, paired use
 162.025 AIS2                   157.425  88

              169.4250  ERMES-01  (ERMES Paging (25kHz, continuous, 6.25kbps, 4level FSK)   [Hear it here!])
                         16 channels, with each country having 4 "preferred" channels
              169.8000  ERMES-16

              There is a Euro plan (25-08) to re-organise 157.45-174:  (boundaries)
              162.05  ... Base, to 165.2 (split -4.6: 157.45 -160.6)
              169.825 ... Base, to 174   (split -4.6: 165.225-169.4)

              Broadcasting Band III,  mobile
              Euro TV (7MHz)  E5 174-181, E6 181-188, ... E11 216-223, E12 223-230
              System B - PAL and Nicam used, FM sound at +5.5 MHz
  175.25      TV ch5, vis.
  182.25      TV ch6, vis.
  189.25      TV ch7, vis.
  196.25      TV ch8, vis.
  203.25      TV ch9, vis.
  210.25      TV ch10, vis.
  217.25      TV ch11, vis.
  224.25      TV ch12, vis. ??

              Military: NATO band
              Air-Ground-Air, Air-Air AM comms  (25 kHz channels)
              Radio Relay, Satellite

  243         Distress, EPIRBS   2 x 121.5 = 243

  390=...     TETRA, to 393=

              Mobile. Satellite. Military

  399.9 ...   Satellite Nav., Meteo sondes, Sat. mobile, EPIRBS, to 406.1

              There is a Euro plan (25-08) to re-organise 410-430:  (boundaries)
              420 ... Base, to 430 (split -10: 410-420)

  430.0 ...   Amateur 70cm band, to 440

              445.2...   Civil TETRA DMO Direct Mode (Euro standard), to 445.3

  446.00625...PMR446 (Euro SRBR), to 446.093 (8x 12.5kHz - within 446-446.1, 6.25kHz offsets)
              Spanish UN-110, 500mW      Status in Europe
              446.00625  1 (446.005 to nearest 5kHz, 1.25kHz error)
              446.01875  2 (446.020)
              446.03125  3 (446.030)
              446.04375  4 (446.045)
              446.05625  5 (446.055)
              446.06875  6 (446.070)
              446.08125  7 (446.080)
              446.09375  8 (446.095)

              There is a Euro plan (25-08) to re-organise 450-470:  (boundaries)
              460 ... Base, to 470 (split -10: 450-460)

              457.525...  Marine on-board, to 457.575  single OR dual:+10
              467.525...  Marine on-board, to 467.575  single OR dual: see -10

              Broadcasting Bands IV and V, land mobile (secondary - SAB)
              TV in 8 MHz channels - System G - PAL and Nicam used, FM sound at +5.5 MHz

  470-478  21  476.75 sound
  478-486  22  484.75
  486-494  23  492.75
  494-502  24  500.75
  502-510  25  508.75
  510-518  26  516.75
  518-526  27  524.75
  526-534  28  532.75
  534-542  29  540.75
  542-550  30  548.75
  550-558  31  556.75
  558-566  32  564.75
  566-574  33  572.75
  574-582  34  580.75
  582-590  35  588.75
  590-598  36  596.75
  598-606  37  604.75
  606-614  38  612.75
  614-622  39  620.75
  622-630  40  628.75
  630-638  41  636.75
  638-646  42  644.75
  646-654  43  652.75
  654-662  44  660.75
  662-670  45  668.75
  670-678  46  676.75
  678-686  47  684.75
  686-694  48  692.75
  694-702  49  700.75
  702-710  50  708.75
  710-718  51  716.75
  718-726  52  724.75
  726-734  53  732.75
  734-742  54  740.75
  742-750  55  748.75
  750-758  56  756.75
  758-766  57  764.75
  766-774  58  772.75
  774-782  59  780.75
  782-790  60  788.75

               TV, mobile

  790-798  61  796.75
  798-806  62  804.75
  806-814  63  812.75
  814-822  64  820.75
  822-830  65  828.75
  830-838  66  836.75 ???
  838-846  67  844.75 ???
  846-854  68  852.75 ???
  854-862  69  860.75 ???


  921   ...  future UIC, to 925 (by 2005)  Euro. Railways GSM system
  925.2 ...  future EGSM, to 935  base (split -45: 880-890)

  919.1=...  Telefonica Moviles, to 943.7= (Analogue)  until 2007
             919.1 - 934.9
             942.9 - 943.7

  935.2 ...  GSM 900 RadioTelephones, to 959.8 continuous base (split -45: 890-915)
             935.2 ... TM,     to 942.8 
             948.0 ... AirTel, to 959.8

             Aero Navigation

  978...     DME Ground reply X channels, to 1087  (paired with 1xx.x0 MHz) (to +63)
 1025...     DME Air mobile channels, to 1150      (1-126 x 1 MHz channels; 1-16 and 60-69 not used)
             Selected in aircraft by tuning to a paired channel between 108 and 118 MHz
             Pulses transmitted by the aircraft,    returned by the ground station & time difference measured.
 1104...     DME Ground reply Y channels, to 1213  (paired with 1xx.x5 MHz) (to -63)

 1030        SSR/IFF (Squalk) Ground (secondary radar - rotating), air reply on 1090


 1240...     Amateur 23cm band


 1,400=...Transmission Prohibited
          Astronomy, Space Research, SETI, Hydrogen Line. Certain frequencies around here
          propagate very well through the universe, so the boffins listen here for extra-
          terrestial transmissions. But surely the little grey men are doing the same thing?
          1420 SETI@Home (+/-1.25MHz)

 1,467=...  Worldspace digital satellite broadcasting, to 1492 (7025-7075 MHz uplinks)   more
            3 sat.s, each with 3 beams of 2 TDM carriers (one left, one right circular pol.)
            TDMs are QPSK modulated, overall rate of 3.68 Mbit/s - 96 so called Prime Rate Channels
            (PRCs) having 16 kbit/s each. MP3 audio coding. 2.3MHz TDM sep.  detail
            Receivers cover 1453.384 to 1490.644 MHz (52 centers currently: 1467.184-1490.644, 0.460 MHz steps)
            Orbital positions :
              AfriStar  21 East - 1469R 1471L 1478R 1481L (MHz & Pol)  details
              AsiaStar 105 East - 1473R 1475L 1478L 1480R 1488R 1490L  details
              AmeriStar 95 West - (2001)    (details)

 1,525=...Satellite comms downlinks -   Inmarsat GMDSS etc (uplinks 1626.5-1660.5) (+101.5)  more
          1535-1544 FM comms, 25kHz steps

 1,559=...Radionavigation, to 1626.5=
          1,575.42 Navstar GPS Nav L1 C/A (military accuracy with 1227.6 L2 +/-14MHz)  spread
                   The L1 carrier is modulated by all three GPS data streams, C/A, P and Nav/System Data.
                   The L2 carrier is modulated by two GPS data streams, P-code and Nav/System Data.
                   The L3 carrier 1381.05 MHz is a non-navigation signal associated with nuclear burst detection.
                   One frequency explored for the L4 carrier is 1841.4 MHz.
          1,602... Russian GLONASS L1,  0-12: 1602+n(0.5625)   spread spectrum

 1,610=...Mobile-satellite systems, uplinks (down at -101.5)
          1,610=...LEO MSS, to 1626.5= (up&down) CDMA  i.e. Globalstar, Iridium (TDMA, 780km up)
          1,645.5..Distress EPIRBs, to 1646.5 (Inmarsat E)  1645.6-1645.8?

 1,670=...TFTS ground stations

 1,675=...Meteo satellite, to 1710
          1,690=...Weather Satellite HRPT (Hi-res pics), to 1710=  NOAA, GOES, MeteoSat

 1,710=...links, radioastronomy, GSM 1800 mobile phones, to 1880= :

 1,800.30.TFTS in-flight digital phones (air-ground), to 1804.969 (164 x 30.303 kHz channels : ground at -130)

 1,805=...GSM 1800 mobile phone system, to 1880= (split -95: 1710-1785)   (ERO doc about usage)
          Standard : 1805.2 to 1879.8 (374x TDMA 200kHz channels)  Digital duplex. Scrambled. Base continuous. info.

          1836.2 ... TM,    to 1849.4
          1849.8 ... Airel, to 1863.0
          1863.4 ... Amena, to 1876.6

 1,880=...DECT Digital Euro. Cordless Telephones, to 1900=
          1881.792..ch1, to 1897.344 ch10 (steps of 1.728 MHz)   encrypted,   base continuous (pulses),  less than 250mW
          Single Freq. Duplex (Digital TDMA) - supporting 12 conversations at once per channel

Frequency multiplied by wavelength gives 300,000,000 m/s - the speed of light... or 299,792,458 to be more exact. 300 mHz > 3000 mHz 1Gm > 100Mm easier to count s/cycle than c/s ! 3 Hz > 30 Hz 100Mm > 10Mm VERY long waves! Natural 'Earth' waves 30 Hz > 300 Hz ELF 10Mm > 1Mm Bass! 300 Hz > 3000 Hz ILF 1000km > 100km Voice frequencies (sound) 3 kHz > 30 kHz VLF 100km > 10km 30 kHz > 300 kHz LF 10km > 1km 300 kHz > 3000 kHz MF 1km > 100m 3 MHz > 30 MHz HF 100m > 10m 30 MHz > 300 MHz VHF 10m > 1m 300 MHz > 3000 MHz UHF 1m > 10cm 3 GHz > 30 GHz SHF 10cm > 1cm 30 GHz > 300 GHz EHF 1cm > 1mm mainly experimental 300 GHz > 30 THz THF 1mm > 10um limits of radio / far infra-red 30 THz > 300 THz 10um > 1um infra-red light 300 THz > 3000 THz 1um > 100nm infra red > visible > ultra violet (near & far) 3 PHz > 30 PHz 100nm > 10nm extreme ultra violet 30 PHz > 30 EHz 10nm > 10pm x-rays 30 EHz > 10pm > Gamma rays

International Allocation Tables

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